Director's Message

Mr. Prakashbhai Kalidas Patel
I feel very privileged to greet you all, for the established growth of the Mother
Teresa Group of college. For all of us, at Mother Teresa Group of college,
especially for those of us, who have been with the college since its inception,
it is the remembered moment.
To each of those who have been with us, to each of you who are with us and to each
of those yet to join this fabulous professional learning institution, I say thanks
and extend my warmest felicitations and greetings.
The Mother Teresa Group of college has grown from strength to strength and has
captured its prime place among the Nursing Colleges in Gujarat. The institution
has done extremely well in all spheres of activities, while maintaining the quality
of education being imparted to the students. The effort put in by one and all to
bring the college to the forefront of both academic and extra curricular activities
is truly commendable. I am proud to note the achievements of our institution which
has produced 100% success and rank holders in University examinations.
The period spent by students in an educational institution is a golden opportunity
for them to shape their future on the right lines and also to develop their individual
talents in a cordial atmosphere. The interaction they have with their college mates
and their teachers will enrich their life’s experiences.
“May God be with each of you now and forever”.